There is nothing after Ramadan ................. ?

There is nothing after Ramadan ................. ?One day, the lion who hides her nails, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, asking for something special to the Prophet. "O Allah's Apostle .. do'akanlah to God that prayer is efficacious-do'aku .. ", thus pleaded companions promised paradise to the Prophet. A very intelligent pleaded, real demand into the demand for each man who prayed to God. Demand that makes hope a servant always awake enforce optimism. Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas Blessed be the God of faith and charity that makes purity he pleaded.Prophet who loved Sa'ad indirect pleaded the affirmative. There is one condition that the Prophet gave to a friend who has been regarded as the uncle. Terms mild when compared with the demand. "O Sa'd, help me to fix your food ... please help me to fix your food ...". it was the mild conditions of the Prophet.On another day, as narrated by Imam Muslim in Shahihnya, Rasululllah said to Rabi'a bin Ka'b Al Islami, "Ask!" Prophet request to offer a great friend who was preparing ablutions and other needs of the Apostles. Then if the things that prompted this noble companions? It turns her chastity led to a very noble answer, "I ask you to be with you in heaven". Smart and Noble! Just imagine comrades, let alone pleasure than membersamai Prophet in heaven. Do not you forget comrade, a haven for the Messenger of Allah is the highest level of heaven, Heaven Paradise."There is no other requests?" Next bid Apostles gave to Rabi'a bin Ka'b Al Islami. "That's it", Rabi'a bin Ka'b replied gently to be content with the one she begged. Apparently, the Apostle also give a condition on this request. "Help me with much prostration". Again, if the mild conditions compared with demand.Keeping food and ProstrationAre there two of these activities are commonly heard by us? The two activities are essentially shaum and prayer. Keeping anything into our food as well hold other passions are what we call worship sawm or fasting. Prostration? In what activities we do prostrations? Most surely prayer. In at least once a day we will bow down 34 times. These two activities that would otherwise require Prophet to get two such great demand. Why can? Can!We start by keeping food, which is further shaum worship. This condition is provided Apostle to get the gift of a prayer-prayer is efficacious. Consider a following hadith:"Also the group that their prayers are not rejected: the fasting person to break him, just leader, and supplications of the oppressed." (Reported by Abu Hurairah ra of Ahmad, Ibn Majah and are regarded as hasan by al-Tirmidhi Hadith , and dishahih out by Ibn Khuzaimah and Ibn Hibban)How great is the effect of religious shaum, namely terijabahnya prayer-prayer by God. Appropriate to worship Allah requires shaum as "aid" that Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas request can be granted. Of course we had how how the rest of the story of Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas. Do'anya be efficacious in every opportunity. Subhanallah.Moving on to the second requirement, namely prostration in prayer to gain heaven. Let's look at the narrative of Abdul Hamid Al Bilali Waahatu Al Iman in his book on this subject:"Prophet's companions briefed about the recipe and put it into heaven and make it able to accompany him there. Ie with much prostration. The Prophet said to his friend, 'help me with a lot of prostration'. Prophet said that, because the soul commands to evil, not like worship, and hate the old worship. Therefore, in order to easily control the soul, so the soul needs to be cleaned constantly and fought, for easy portability to any desired Almighty "Prayer had been the object first reckoning, if his prayer was better then the others will either. This goodness and His blessings will deliver us to heaven His later. In addition, some are able to prostrate servant of hell fire. Imam Bukhari narrated in the books of hadith Shahihnya following:"After God had finished deciding cases throughout his servant and want to pull out the inhabitants of hell as He pleases with His mercy, He commanded the angels to pull out of hell anyone who does not associate anything with Allah among the people of God to he richly, that among those who bear witness there is no god worthy of worship except Allah. Recognize their angels in hell with prostration mark. Hell swallow anything in humans, except the former prostration, because God forbid prostration former hell swallow. Then, they drop out of hell burning in the state. Then, they poured the water of life, then they grow under the water like grain grown in the former land of the flood "(Bukhari)
You've been a little confused by this explanation? Or you think I was wrong to give the title of this article? Incidentally I am not one to give the title of this paper. These two activities are closely related and Ramadan. Realize comrades, keeping food and reproduce shaum prostrate with emphasis on prayer is what we just did with the incredible passion a month right? In the month of Ramadan that has just a few days leaving behind us, we practice sawm became nan scorching daytime, evening prayer on the agenda was missed on a cold night. We pursue the virtue of worship in the glorious month.But, what is it after Ramadan?Merasakah us that the spirit of decline due to "reward" from God not as big as in the month of Ramadan? Read more about explanations shaum and prostrate on! How God still provides tremendous rewards for good deeds that we do in the month of Ramadan, if we still do practice it outside the month of Ramadan. The above explanation is not based on specific times, but throughout the year, in each month, in each day we fast and pray. God rewards the good deeds with unusually large. For shaum alone, God has prepared a prayer-prayer efficacious, whereas to reproduce prayer, heaven! What else? Less big is God rewards beyond this Ramadan?So if there is a question of "There Is After Ramadan?", Answer with a loud "Ridho, grace, and God's favor (still) an unusually large". Make every month to the month of Ramadan while bringing the spirit of Ramadan throughout the year. So our motto is reached azzamkan during last Ramadan, "a servant of Rabbani, not Ramadhani!"Allah knows best ..

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